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It has been about a month and a half since I found my way to your web sight - and met the love of my life a few days later! I did write a few weeks ago that things were going well, and things continue to get better and better. We have kept some kind of contact each and every day since the day we met six weeks ago. Everything fell in to place immediately. Our first date lasted seven hours - it went from dinner - to two hours in the lounge of the restaurant listening to a really cool band to two hours in a donut shop parking lot watching the snow fall. It gets better and better every time we see each other. He has rescued me off of the highway when my car broke down - TWICE and played chaufer for me during the whole car trouble deal. I have been really sick the last few days, and tonight he made me soup and curled me up under his comforter. He calls me when he knows I am driving in the snow - just to make sure I am ok. There are all these really weird coincedences like our sons and our cats have the same names and lots of other really weird twilight zone things. I am loving every minute of every day with him in my life - and I have your service to thank for him!!! I will continue to keep you posted....

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